Copyright © 2025 Greenpoint, All rights reserved.
Over time, Greenpoint is an average of 67% less than traditional HVAC maintenance or 62% less than warranty coverage (even when including covered repairs). It is the wave of the future, smart and certainly COOL!
Early detection with Greenpoint Monitoring & Diagnostics can change your outcome from having to spend $1000’s on failed air conditioning or heating components and labor to the infrequent low $100’s when your system falls out of alignment and Greenpoint alerts you.
We Offer A Patented, Automated, Unique and Affordable Solution that Scours Your HVAC Data 24/7 and Alerts You as Issues Develop
Greenpoint’s intuitive App and plain English alerts simplifies what has traditionally been the mysterious black box…your AC and heating system. Do you want to roll the dice or would your rather be fully aware of your AC and Heating conditions at all times?
Summary of Benefits
This unit was under traditional maintenance for years through various vendors. After being installed, Greenpoint identifies a serious ventilation issue, which was causing heat system components to be cycled on and off repeatedly. This would be a very difficult find for someone interrogating manually (traditional maintenance) and for a brief period of time.
Needless to say, this condition is highly inefficient and greatly decreases the life of those components.
SOLUTION: A $300 corrective measure had the system running smoothly again (as it was designed). Absent the correction, the owner would have eventually been facing repair(s) into the $1000’s of dollars.