A cloud-based solution, Greenpoint brings clarity and simplicity for everyday users improve energy efficiency through complete visibility of system mechanical conditions and proper operational scheduling. Greenpoint’s patented technology enables users to visualize and understand their equipment with color indicators and percentage performance. Trouble-shooting suggestions also embody best practice trouble-shooting developed over the years.
After a Simple 45 Minute Installation, Greenpoint Remote Diagnostics Covers:
- Air Supply: overall performance
- Refrigerant: charge, flow, heat transfer; equipment malfunction
- Ventilation: flow, design performance, equipment malfunctions and sequence of operations
- Condenser Unit: coil issues, fan or compressor underperformance or irregular operation
- Air Handler: evaporator coil conditions, blower condition, flue pipe issues; filter/airflow; operational settings
- Software or Controls: scheduling, malfunctioning thermostats, setup or setting oversights, no-response events
- Compressor and Condenser Fan Amps Monitoring is NOT offered in this solution but overall performance of those two components is covered in the existing sensors